PFH Irrisistible – Tjorven
Born 19th of July 2015 together with her 4 siblings
C-hips | Eyes UA 170809| PLL/NCL/PRA3/RCD4 – Carrier/clear/clear/clear
PLL/NCL/PRA3/RCD4 are diseases that are genetically inherited and all breeding dogs are tested before breeding so we can stop the spread of the diseases.
Tjorven, swedish for tangling or something like that. Like her mother she is our clown. From early age she always waggle her tail as soon as she saw us. In the morning after a good nights rest, after playing with her siblings or just when we came ”back” (after ”disappearing” in another room for 2 seconds….). She was the first female born in the litter with so much color, the last litters we have had we only got black puppies with white markings – almost the same. We got to fight a bit to keep her alive the first time but as already been written she, since then, live and love life as never before. Due to umbilical hernia and C-hips she will not be the female we taught and our breeding with ”Ninja” as our first bitch have come to an end.
Lucky to Tjorven she is our sweetheart and will stay put in our home many more years to come. We have been training some rally obedience, agility and some ordinary tricks but it is not really Tjorvens thing. She loves food and to be around when something happens but will mostly do what she wants and not what mum wants… So we train just for fun, when mum have the patience for it.
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Tsering Shamtsang Nima of Silveridge | ||
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FI CH Pam-Zamirin Fahrina Simona | ||
SE CH FIN CH NO CH PFH Elegance | Flashline's Flashback | |
PFH Celebrity |